20th Asian Battery
Conference and Exhibition

Tuesday 5 – Friday 8 September 2023
Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center

No more black conference bags

OK! we bet you all have a stack of conference bags and other sponsor branded swag hanging in a wardrobe! This year in support of families in need of financial assistance 20ABC is partnering with HUSK Cambodia to supply event branded merchandise. Expect some beautiful truly local style bags and gifts at this years event!

Our merchandise order is in and our wonderful partner HUSK Cambodia has arranged a group of ladies to start designing and sewing our Conference bags and gifts! We hear the ladies are delighted with the large order, and first payment has been made which will go along way to support each of the families weekly expenses.

HUSK Cambodia

Event merchandise partner.

HUSK works directly with communities to help improve the lives of Cambodian families. HUSK helps thousands of people living in poverty, requiring assistance and providing education to brighten futures.

One of the biggest challenges vulnerable families face is earning an income. Most of the families HUSK support have no land, they are generally uneducated, perhaps having reached a Grade 4 primary education, and have no skills. They are reliant on menial & back breaking labor jobs. Life is hard & extremely physically demanding, when there is no work, life becomes extremely difficult.

HUSK has taught sewing skills to enables mothers to produce a range of soft toys, bags, clothing, and gifts which are then sold locally and allows them to supplement their income. The program commenced with three women, none had ever sewn before, and all were struggling to feed their children.

At 20ABC instead of buying the usual conference satchels and other common conference merchandise the TUSK Ladies will make our Conference bag along with several other items which we will purchase with proceeds contributing to their families’ financial needs.

We look forward to gifting some wonderful Cambodia hand craft merchandise and gifts to all 20ABC delegates.

Executive Platinum

Platinum Sponsors

Gala Dinner Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

ONE Minute Giveback

Silver Sponsor
